Video – Interview with Richard Sidy

Watch interview with Gardens for Humanity president, Richard Sidy, at the Cottonwood Head Start learning Garden below.   Start watching at 42:37 and conclude at 50:00. Start watching at 42:37 [read more]

The Life of a Seed – Movement and Dance

Third grade students learn about the life of a seed – planting, germination growth, producing blossoms, leaves, flowers, fruit; and dispersing their seed before they die, only to live again.

West Sedona School Garden

Transforming the challenging terrain of the high desert into a rich and productive garden will serve school and community by providing a place to learn about small-scale food production, environmental [read more]

The Life of a Tree

The Life of a Tree: An exploration through Stories, Music, Collages at Sedona and the Verde Valley Schools. Teacher: Nancy Robb Dunst. Music by Joe Wise. A class in the [read more]

The Color Wheel and the Colors We Eat

Learning about vegetables and fruits through observation and art. A program sponsored by Gardens for Humanity and taught by Sedona area artists to increase students’s awareness of the foods they

Earth Cups

This is a slideshow of Sedona’s first annual Earth Cups fundraising event in 2011 to benefit Gardens for Humanity elementary school program, “Celebrating the Art in Earth.”

Sun Catchers

Lessons in observing the parts of Flowers by making Sun Catchers in Sedona and the Verde Valley schools. Teacher: Maleita Wise. A class in the Gardens for Humanity Program “Celebrating [read more]