Verde Thumbs Garden Club

Verde Thumbs Garden Club

Our Mission:

Teaching and sharing sustainable techniques for growing vegetables and fruit.

Our Vision:

To develop a community of fellow gardeners who have the knowledge to grow, harvest and preserve their own food using both age old information and the latest, factual, organic and sustainable methods. Then to see these gardeners share their knowledge with children, neighbors and friends throughout their communities.

We meet on the third Saturday each month from 10am-Noon in the large meeting room at the Cottonwood Public Library, 100 6th Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326.
Some Current Projects:
  • Monthly meetings featuring timely information and sharing garden knowledge
  • Regional seed library
  • Seed saving classes
  • Bulk purchase of garden supplies
  • The tomato project – Growing and developing hardy heirloom tomato plants and saving seeds
  • Annual seed exchange
  • Community education and outreach
  • Garden education at regional festivals
  • Sharing garden resources
  • Volunteering to support home, school and community gardens

The Verde Thumbs brings together regional gardening experts, gardeners new to our region and novices just starting out. Even seasoned gardeners learn much from participant on how to effectively garden in our unique and challenging environment. All participants strive to use methods that respect the environment, conserve water and resources, and are pesticide and chemical free. To find out more about our meetings email Janice Montgomery or Nirmala McAfee,

Visit and join the Verde Thumbs Facebook Group >>


Seed Library Fall – Winter Spring 2025 Season: 

There are lots of great veggie, flower & herb seeds available – FREE. Remember, the Seed Library works just like a regular library, check out the seeds, grow them, save some seeds to return for others to share. Find out more >>

Visit the Verde Valley Seed Library on Facebook >>
Make a tax-deductible donation to the Seed Library below:

The grand opening of the Seed Library was September 12, 2015.

The Seed Library is open for three months for fall/winter gardens and again starting in February for three months for spring/summer gardens. During those periods it is open every Saturday from 11 am – 1 pm. (Click on thumbnail to see full-size photos.)

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