The Spirit of Our Legacy


  • The Earth is our responsibility — our Sacred Garden.
  • The Earth is our teacher.
  • We realize that a garden is a microcosm of the whole Earth.
  • When we create a garden, we become a Community of Caring.
  • When we create a garden, we become a Learning Center.

We believe that the natural world — the marvelous interwoven communities of plants, animals and other creatures formed through the agencies of Fire, Water, Air and Earth —   is truly our first Teacher, our first Classroom and Curriculum.

Each smaller garden — whether in a container pot, a courtyard or vegetable patch, as a farm or ranch or forest preserve — presents the same basic challenge: to care for, preserve, and nurture it.

When we come together in the creation of any art form — garden, mosaic, mural, pathway or water feature — a community of caring people is born. The quality of work we create generates pride, self-reliance, and a genuine respect for plants, creatures, and ourselves.


Founded in 1996 by Adele Seronde and fellow artists with earnings from our group exhibition, Gardens for Humanity has expanded its membership to include scientists, educators, community organizers, business- and laymen — people of all sorts who love gardening and see it and art as both healing and creative processes. Our current focus has evolved to tell the stories of and support grass-roots visionary leaders, who create gardens in the mind and heart as well as in the soil.

The book, Our Sacred Garden – The Living Earth embraces the spirit and philosophy on which Gardens for Humanity was founded:

Our Story, our Vision, our Accomplishments and more Garden Resources are found in our LEGACY web site >