This will be a hands-on workshop creating a garden without digging, tilling or weeding. A centuries old method popularly known today as “lasagna gardening” or in permaculture, “sheet mulching.” Participants will learn about selection and layering of materials to build an environment for microorganisms to happily do their work and to make an enticing home for worms. Preparations now can create new beds for spring planting.
We will be applying materials for layering: leaves, straw, manure, fresh kitchen/ produce scraps, compost, coffee grounds, cardboard, amendments such as bone meal, azomite etc. to a previously uncultivated garden space.
Please dress prepared to participate in creating a sheet mulched garden space. If you have questions about participating please call to inquire 928-203- 0169. This is a non-strenuous learning-by-doing activity. If you plan on working bring gloves, and a water bottle.